Better Days for Moria web & logo design

I started volunteering on the island of Lesvos in December 2015. Shortly after I began, I started a comprehensive redesign of the Better Days for Moria website, as well as working on a logo for the group. Moria is the biggest registration center for refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other conflict-ravaged countries fleeing to Europe for a better life. BDFM is a collective of independent volunteers devoted to filling in the gaps of the official aid mission.

The logo is meant to convey both playfulness and professionalism. The yellow shape is a sort of approximate map of the island of Lesvos, where BDFM operates, while blue circle can be seen as the Aegean Sea, the world, or merely aesthetic. The heart should be kind of obvious.

The website can be seen here.

I both designed the overall structure and curate the content. Many, though not all, of the photographs on the site are mine.